
Hi everyone my name is Jack Tsaparis and I’m a student at La Trobe Melbourne studying Mass Media and Communications.

This blog is the place to find all things Dishonored. The Dishonored series is comprised of the games Dishonored and Dishonored 2. These games are action stealth games that are set in a steam punk-like world filled with disease, famine and violence. The objective of both games is to take back the throne in the city of Dunwall that has been seized by an evil figure. In order to do this you must eliminate the allies of whoever has taken over to then ultimately eliminating them. In Dishonored you play as Corvo Attano who is the Royal Protector of the Empire and in Dishonored 2 you have the choice between Corvo and Emily Kaldwin, the heir to the throne.



The games are unique in the sense that there are many different ways to play them. you can go through killing every target and wreaking havoc on the world or you can sneak through like a ghost, not alerting anybody. The stealth aspect of the game is quite diverse due to the many pathways that are available in each level. You can traverse rooftops, sneak through sewers or just simply run and fight. The games also give you access to weapons as well as a number of special powers to aid you in your missions.

These games are interesting to me not only because of the unique gameplay but also because of the deep characters and the story that the locations in the world tell. I’ve enjoyed these games enough to complete them multiple times and I feel that I know enough about the games to blog about them.

The blog posts will consist of reviews, theories and facts about the many aspects of both games. The aim of the blog is to give people who play the games somewhere to find more information and also to share information about the games for people who are new to the series.